Ryse: Son of Rome Wiki

wicker man was a large wicker statue burned in effigy as part of ritual sacrifice [1].

In Game

When Commodus was captured, the Britons sold him to the minotaur tribe. Due to Commodus being a son of Emperor Nero, and therefore a valuable sacrifice, the minotaur tribe were going to burn him alive inside the wicker man. However, upon Marius' arrival, he discovers Vitallion has been placed in the wicker man instead of Commodus.

Marius Titus arrived just before the burning began, but Minotaur Chief Glott lit the wicker man aflame during their battle. After defeating Glott, Marius had his men free Vitallion from the wicker man, rescuing him, his men, and Commodus.

  1. Wicker man. www.wikipedia.org. Retrieved 2021-04-21.